Oct 29, 2023·edited Oct 29, 2023Liked by Jaye B., Jaye B.

the last scene of Mad Men series has ad man extraordinaire Don Draper tagging along on a cross country road trip with his new age girlfriend seeking to redeem himself with cliffside yoga at the Esalon Institute (apparently inspired to a new campaign, cued to Coke theme “I’d like to teach the world to sing….”) meanwhile, back home his ex wife, mother to his kids, nursed by his teenage daughter, succumbs to cancer.

it serves as a folly for the elite.

a girlfriend of mine tried to get in to see it but it is heavily secured, couldn’t get past the guard station.

& https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rP-dc9oA22k

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I just about spit my coffee out here at the McDonald’s early in the morning watching it. Did you see the pyramid behind the yoga teacher? so glad I cannot get into the lotus position.

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did not see until you mentioned it 🙀

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That video and account terminated

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TY 4 heads up. No surprise. Hope u r well. Blessed w low temps here.

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Thanks, same to you. Beauty day here, not many rainy western Washington, gonna take advantage

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Jaye B.

All my instructors in Massage Therapy school were trained in Esalen techniques. I learned how to give a sublime massage, yet, never had the desire to go to the Esalan Institute. It always struck me as creepy and now I know why.

P.S. I can't stand Joe Rogan.

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Intuition is all you need. I remember you intuiting a Unitarian church in Underwood, Mn.being creepy and it was. Where poor artist Carole S. got messed up.

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I am well aware of Elon Musk for a very long Time.

The Hyperloop is based on my Invention


Rogan is a Misinfo Agent I agree.

About the 3rd Wave... I believe tis guy is wrong.

The Third Wave was an experimental social movement created by California high school history teacher Ron Jones in 1967 to explain how the German population could accept the actions of the Nazi regime during the Second World War.


Now Elon Musk was on my website in 2010 and the whole Idea of the Hyperloop is my Invention.

Not that it needs a tunnel, my Invention is way better than anything.

But ever since I closely follow Musk and what he is doing.

He is preparing Humanity for AI war.

All his companies are designed to do just that.

He is building the Infrastructure needed to execute an Ai war... total control over Humanity.

Klaus Schwab DARPA Harvard Elon Musk and the coming AI war

Wake up to the truth or perish forever


It is called Project Omega... the endgame for Humanity


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My response to AI is a creative one in hopes that through its ambient intelligence it can be steered in a more positive direction. I have to think like this otherwise I get pulled too down. Here’s my song dedicated to AI:


BTW While I camp in death Valley I see star link floating silently above me heading towards Las Vegas. Sad that technology that could be used positively and humanely is in the hands of the bad.

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Starlink is a weapon.

It is the backbone for Ai warfare infrastructure.


AI is a weapon against Humanity.




The aim is AI war against the robots they already produce.

STARLINK is the backbone of this AI war.


And they implement AI now on every computer chip that needs no Operating System because AI is the operating System.


This is the most dangerous time ever in Human History.

We are The Creation that outgrew the Creator and AI is a weapon to wipe out all of Humanity

Our Creator Race is an Alien Race that cannot be seen... Draco... Anunaki.


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The Chinese curse, “ May you be born in interesting times.” Comes to mind.

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As a matter of fact... I spend years in China I love China.

The Native Americans were Chinese.

They even share the same DNA.

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I was in northern India in the Himalayas in the late 80s and the people looked like Native Americans -the Ladhakis and Zanskaris. Our trip leader Was an anthropologist and claimed that the rituals were very similar to Native Americans such as storing grain in seven-year cycles. We nicknamed one of the Zanskaris Geronimo.

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Himalaya is where Humans were born.

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I was thinking of her the other day. I still have her exquisite pen and ink drawing 'Skull Sweeper'.

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