Meanwhile in Ireland, this trend has reached new low's and gone full demonic/satanic to represent

the country at the pap Euro Song Contest, 'family entertainment'.


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The thing isn’t even human. More like shit with vertebrae. took my breath away looking at that picture.

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Feb 2·edited Feb 2Liked by Jaye B.

Yes, sad and bad and dangerous.

The country has lost it's bearings. The globalist, left/commie paradigm crossed with

lashings of corporate financial cash and rampant consumerism. There was opportunity to create a more manual - plan b - lifestyle work flow for those who did not wish to get into the globalist wet dream.

Perhap's this will jolt some people out of the myopic spell? But then again, 96% partook

in 2 satanic experimental gene altering bioweapon injection's, so they are on the road to being programable synth's - 'homo cyborgus ignoranus'. God love them.... I guess they

spat in God's face.

Oh well onwards, with those going through trails and working to highen our frequencies, we're on narrower path - blessed be x

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I’m spending more and more time alone out in the desert with my pet raven in attempts to heighten frequency. It indeed is a narrow path and a damn hard and lonely one too.

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All the best with that project Jaye, it's got a Biblical ring to it.

Wisdom forged in the desert sun... have a great day, stay safe.

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The best way to get the thing to shut up would be to put sheet music in front of it.

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Glad I found your substack brother, definitely feel you and I are kindred souls in the spiritual war that has been ongoing for eons now. I feel the end is coming and am glad to be here for the finish when all is laid bare for the world to see and those in power tremble with fear at the reckoning they have brought upon themselves through their greed and utter degeneracy. It will be fitting for those of us that have spent many a life fighting these bastards to be on hand to watch them fall.

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