“It is just how carte blanche indifferent people are to others’s suffering. “

Like our friend Steve Miller, I had two kids about 20 I met while waiting to pick up my son at the airport. Nice boys. Here for school. They had traveled for 2 days from Turkey and arrived here in Cleveland thinking Sandusky was close. We talked allot and my sons plane was late. I knew I should help them .

My son was furious and would not ride with them as I texted him about my concern while he sat on the tarmac ( for 2 hours). His plane wasn’t in. I left and took them to a mosque. They were well received and with folks who could speak Turkish or Farsi. I was shocked by my sons cold heart, unwillingness to help others which he’s seen me do all my life. It revealed an arrogance I didn’t want to see in him and fear. Fear of being robbed or abused by 2 kids half his size and weight. The young men were kind gentle and all alone without a good grasp on English. They had asked numerous people for help and all the people waved their hands and said no. That’s here where people should be kind civilized helpful to a neighbor, welcome to America. I told them not Americans aren’t nice, don’t be offended, it wasn’t you. Either way 2 Palestinians and 3 Lebanese men helped and were kind to me too and I left knowing they would get to Sandusky safely and be fed and sleep. Like you Jaye I prayed for them. I could feel their wide eyed innocents, and hope they do well in school. I can not imagine what would have happened to them there at the airport with Cleveland’s notoriously bad cops.

Jaye you article ranks right up there. You have every right to be disturbed, and others too. I used to like SS but I have also noticed it’s crumbling. The good people writing are echoing the same loss of viewers etc. . Tragic, but, it is going on in other venues too. A dear “addicted to the internet” friend of mine who is 43 with a following JUST told me he’s closing shop. He feels poison from the internet and something very very wrong and mind controlling past what we con-theory people have screamed about forever. He’s done. Maybe it’s time all the good guys disappear. I love your work but I also would respect you pulling the plug. Everything you wrote is true unfortunately. I almost wrote you about what I was seeing posted on SS but you beat me to it.

You are awesome Jaye you really are. Still praying for the dogs. M

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Author

I think spending time in 3rd world countries helps bring out the good in us. NYC was a good school for that too . Jamaica was where I cut my teeth in regards to doing good for the less fortunate. India turned me inside out in regards to the suffering I saw and 35 yrs later, still haven't recovered. Sounds like your son needs a come uppance. No worries as they r inevitable .

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Truth be told, my son has allot of money. I ask for and want none of it. I see what his “ love of money” has done to erode his once kind soul.

Yes, I understand the suffering you’ve seen. In a good soul it never leaves you. Even this afternoon I heard and remembered Yeshua saying if you do that for the hungry, prisoner, poor, you do it unto me. I told them I was Maronite which is a stretch, but I also said Allah will help us and that encouraged them. One God, I love you Jaye, the world needs so many more folks like you.

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I told them I was Maronite which is a stretch. LOL! Line of the day.

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Ya’ kinda bullshit but a middle easterner would know what that is. I leaned in with explaining my dad was from Kafroun Syria, and wanted them to relax. They were so obviously in trouble.

I mean I’m old , crazy white hair, skinny and look like like feisty granny on the Beverly hillbillies, just a mess. Maybe they shouldn’t trust me!!!

It’s all about tribes in that part of the world, the very reason why the mosque took them in, try taking an Irishman to a Catholic Church, or a Jew to a synagogue, or any place like that. Business is closed till Sunday or Sabbath. Doors locked. I tried to think of ANY charity I could take them to and not 1 came to mind. I took them to a local gas station where I go and knew the guys were Muslims. They helped us and told us where to go, pulled up the mosque location on their phones and shook hands with the boys. It touched me to see community. I haven’t seen that in a long time. No questions asked, no raised eyebrows. Welcomed with open arms. It was worth it to see that, and I was ashamed of my son in my heart. And I wished he could or would have experienced the open kindness.

My dad was a Maronite though, so ya’, kinda a stretch, but they understood, I am not sure how the men at the mosque would take it, but they were kind to me because of the boys. I was in shorts and a sleeveless tee shirt. No hijab. lol. No regrets.

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There's a great Bunuel movie The Milky Way about two bums on a pilgrimage and no one feeds them as they r too busy discussing religion. I'll find the link soon.

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Yes! Please do. It’s in the blood in my veins to serve and practice hospitality! I would like to see it.

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Here's the link to The Milky Way:


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The Return of the Mighty Kanga! I'm so glad. Excellent news.

Okay, not to be a bubble burster, but it is Dorthea Lange who took the famous Dust Bowl photos, not Diane Arbus who was famous for her photos of totally off-beat characters in NYC in the 60s and quite a bit younger than Dorthea. Diane did commit suicide. Dorthea did not.

Though Dorthea has an interesting life story. She was crippled by polio as a child and walked with a limp. She got her start in portrait photography of the West Coast Hoi Polloi. Don't know how she managed to "start out" in that world, probably some interesting ties to someone(s), but she cast it aside and the rest is photographic history.

Dorthea did win a Pulitzer though it has been somewhat debunked since it has been proven her photos were staged as her own daughter appears in several of the most famous photos, etc.

Diane, on the other hand, did not win a Pulitzer, but was awarded several Guggenheim Fellowships, came from a wealthy family and was terribly depressed most her life or so it's said.

Though these are only facts and your point is well taken. In and of ourselves, if we have no knowledge of Anyone greater than ourselves, we have little to nothing to draw joy from in this brutal world and little reason to carry on since, as you pointed out, on our own we cannot change this world regardless of how much we desire to do so.

Though we ourselves can change and that, I dare say, changes at least a tiny speck of this world.

Though, I dare say, again, we can't change ourselves all by ourselves. We must BE changed.

Which leads me logically to this - We need God.

And, yes, Substack is a psyop, but so is any "free" platform as well as the internet itself. We don't need to be surprised by this as it's been going on since the inception of the internet from day one.

Substack and all other "comers" are designed for multiple data harvesting and psychological manipulation. I have over 100,000 "readers" of various of my posts. From where and how, I have no idea and am not going to bother to find out. Most likely AI harvesting things and considered to be "readers" or simply made up numbers to boost my ego, or who knows and, frankly, who cares.

There is no privacy online. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't speak freely. Speak even more LOUDLY. imo.

Thank you, Jaye.

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TY for fact check clarifying the photographers. I appreciate it.

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I have a photographic (eidetic) memory and can't seem to help it. It's not to show off but for a kind of "record keeping". Glad it doesn't offend you. It does some.

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Feel free to eidetic memory rip into anything I post. Then microaggression rip my safe space to shreds like a pine marten does to a squirrel. Won't bother me a bit. BTW working on Xaria 28 skipping 27 for obvious reasons. Pardon my loopiness 2 nite.

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Are those mushrooms actually safe to consume?

Desert shrooms. Like desert blooms.

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❤️ because substack won’t let me like comments.

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Today it's letting me "like". Yesterday, not so much. Training us in the unpredictable language and behavior of an alcoholic./meth head/ sadistic parent. Though what they have forgotten is not all of us are children chained to their machinations. ha...Silly AI.

This may be wrong of me, but someday, Orderly Jaye, I hope you give them a lethal dose. Out of kindness.

I think I understand skipping 27. God Bless, you.

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Jun 18Liked by Jaye B.

Yesterday getting some food at a local shack, saw an older man stocking cap riding/pushing a bike with a small square milk cart on the back, his poodle inside. The man looked homeless to me, and I took some cash out of my wallet to give to him. Walked around the shack, he's in the drive thru lane, looking at a menu. Had the cash in hand, excused myself and asked if he was homeless. He replied no, and that he was okay. Asked pardon and left him alone. Saw him past the order area, as I drove away. Don't know, didn't want to insult him.

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I gave this old guy in Arcadia $20 and told him not to spend it on drugs. He got offended and said that he was taking care of his grandchildren. Best to use tact. If they don't ask, don't give.

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Jun 18Liked by Jaye B.

Used tact, perhaps frightened come up blind side from behind. He looked homeless to me, first time cash refused like that. Apologized and bolted to car, did not argue, hang around, look offended, or anything else. Think the dog also caused extra empathy, sucker for animals (kids too). Felt guilty sorta getting take out. Try to be kind honest.

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That’s a bummer although I have suspected something was awry with Substack. Maybe with a way to go is have your own website and just publish articles directly to it like Miles Mathis does.

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Reclaim the Net has good suggestions on how to do it. But the goons will ust do the same algo-tweaking and shadow banning.

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